ELECTRONIC NOTIFICATION FORM "*" indicates required fields Check One* Termination Notice Warning Notice Employee Classification* Journeyman Apprentice CW CE Name* First Last Employee's Email* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Employee Termination or Warning for Reasons Checked Below:* Reduction in Force Voluntary Quit-Work Available Not for Rehire Harassment of Co-Workers Horseplay Non-Compliance with Company/Customer Work Rules Violation of Safety Policies Misuse of Employer's Tools Unprofessional Attitude/Appearance Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol Absenteeism Theft Jobsite Violence Poor Workmanship/Productivity Instigation/Participation in Work Slowdown or Stoppage Other If Other, Please ExplainCompanyBy:*TitleEmployer's Email* Job Site*Witness*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Check One *Termination NoticeWarning NoticeEmployee Classification *JourneymanApprenticeCWCEName *FirstLastEmployee's Email *Date (Month/Day/Year) *Employee Termination or Warning for Reasons Checked Below:Reduction in ForceVoluntary Quit-Work AvailableNot for RehireHarassment of Co-WorkersHorseplayNon-Compliance with Company/Customer Work RulesViolation of Safety PoliciesMisuse of Employer's ToolsUnprofessional Attitude/AppearanceUnder the Influence of Drugs or AlcoholAbsenteeismTheftJobsite ViolencePoor Workmanship/ProductivityInstigation/Participation in Work Slowdown or StoppageOtherIf Other, Please ExplainCompanyBy: *TitleEmployer's Email *Job Site *WitnessSubmit Copyright © 2024 Atlanta Electrical Contractors Association | Powered by The Partnership